Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Interesting - Japan related News (Blue blue, nuclear energy, selling weapons, losing out on budgets and pretty plants)

Will Japan use more nuclear energy?
Reopening and reusing nuclear power plants... why?

Could blue be the new black in Japan?
Blue, blue and more blue... is it that popular in Japan?

Japan... selling weapons abroad. Mechas anyone?
Japan seem to be investing in research and exportation of air missiles with the USA and UK. As well as exporting submarine technology in Australia.Is there a new whale problem? I thought Australians were friendly to whales.
Could all this anger China and Korea.... more than usual?

Japan could miss it's 2021 budget by more than 10 trillion yen.. 
Meaning, until the industry has quite a boom... taxes will rise every few years of course. 100 yen shops will never be the same again...

This is one good looking plant - post from boredpanda.com (cute name huh?)
This beautiful plant is actually a type of vine ^0^

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