Monday, 21 July 2014

Video - New videos for 2014

I recently posted some videos on YouTube, why don't you check them out:

Rice Alcohol. Unfiltered Sake (cloudy sake).

So this is my cloudy and unfiltered rice alcohol. My first ever excuse of making alcohol. I had a go at making my own recipe. 

This small batch wasn't made with koji kin (to make rice koji/koji rice), so it lacks some standard taste that Japanese sake may have, but is comparable to other rice wines/beer in countries such as Korea. 

Ingredients used in this batch: 
Rice (about 500g)  
Beer yeast (gotta see the nutrients list... you can definitely taste them) I uses about 5 tea spoons in all (added gradually with more water)
Water (didn't really measure it)

I also experimented with other things such as porridge oats (worked flavour wise -- added a certain Earthy flavour). It grew fungus because of my sister throwing bags we use for weekly shopping around the brewing area (so all sorts of foreign stuff went over it I guess. Luckily that was the only sample that got fungisized. 
I think I'll try more oats in the future, or barley (one ingredient they use in some shochu spirits (rice spirit)). 

The stuff I do when I'm bored... new song ^-^ 
Kinda annoying but addictive x)

My first stop motion video. I did It quickly as I don't have much free time. 

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